Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument CO., Ltd.

Eżami tas-Saħħa fil-Kangyuan, il-Kura Umanistika Saħħan il-Qalb tan-Nies

Sabiex tieħu ħsieb b'mod effettiv is-saħħa tal-impjegati ta 'Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., Ltd., Ittejjeb il-kuxjenza dwar il-kura tas-saħħa tal-impjegati, timplimenta l-kura tas-saħħa tal-impjegati ta' Kangyuan, u (1)

According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Occupational Health of Employers, and the characteristics of the medical device industry, Kangyuan takes the control and elimination of occupational disease Perikli bħala r-responsabbiltà tagħha stess, u jiżgura s-saħħa u s-sigurtà tal-ħajja tal-impjegati. The inspection focused on occupational diseases such as noise and high temperature, as well as routine diseases such as infectious diseases, liver function, electrocardiogram, chest fluoroscopy, blood routine and urine routine analysis, so as to effectively safeguard the health rights and interests of employees u timplimenta l-Politika dwar il-Protezzjoni tax-Xogħol dwar il-Perikli fuq ix-Xogħol. Wara l-eżami fiżiku, Kangyuan qassam ukoll kolazzjon tal-imħabba għall-impjegati.

Ħin ta 'wara: 3 ta' Awwissu-2023